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Reserve 50th Reunion Event at Heritage Farms

We are gathering at Heritage Farms on June 10th at 6:00 pm to celebrate the 50th Reunion for the classes of 1970, 1971 and 1972. The cost is $40.00 per person which includes a taco bar, beer, wine and soft drinks. Heritage Farms is located at 6050 Riverview Road, Peninsula Ohio 44264. We look forward to spending time catching up on your life adventures and sharing great fellowship once again. Please RSVP and submit your payment for this event by June 3, 2022.

Yes! I Plan to Attend The Reunion Event

Payment Information

You can use Credit Card For Payment by submitting the Name as it appears on the card, the Card Number, the Expiration Date and the Three Digit Code.

This event is NOT affiliated with any of the Official WRA 50th weekend events being held in Hudson and is offered as an opportunity to gather informally to enjoy a relaxing social evening together.

Thanks for registering for the event. See you at the farm!

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